Friday, May 29, 2009

The Kaleden Run..

Well I took some time off this morning to go watch my two daughters in their elementary school cross country run in Kaleden, which is a tiny community just south of Penticton. My older daughter in grade 5 has always enjoyed running and is always challenging herself to run faster and farther. She did quite well, as expected and came in 6th of all the grade 5 girls in the district.

For my second daughter who is in grade four, this was her first cross country run. She has really really long legs, and I always thought that if she ever felt even the slightest bit competitive, she could certainly out pace most of the other grade 4 girls. I was more than a little concerned today. She tends to shut down when she gets overwhelmed and I was worried that might happen in all the hustle and bustle of the races. Apparently I don't know her at all, because she ran really well and came in 7th in her heat. Who is this child? Where did that confidence come from? I've rarely seen that side of her. After I congratulated her and she got her breath back, I stood aside to watch her with her friends.

She was "normal" with them, not the goof ball inappropriate kid she is around her brother and sister. So she DOES get it. I felt as if I was watching some one else's kid. She CAN keep it together around her friends.

So am I'm over reacting to her behavior at home? If she can do this at school, should I be expecting a much higher level of behavior at home? Or is it all she can do to keep it together at school so when she gets home she relaxes and saves it all for us?

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