Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Whistle Blower...

What is it with this kid and whistles? It must be a new obsession because I don't remember this happening before. (Perhaps I've blocked the traumatic memory?)

You may recall the post from a few weeks ago when we were all trapped in my Honda Civic and my middle daughter decided she would demonstrate the ski whistle they were all given at school as part of a winter safety awareness campaign. Knowing full well that her FASD prevents her from learning from this experience and not repeating it, I threw the whistle in the garbage when we got home. And sure enough, she had forgotten all about it the next day.

Several days later when I'm saying goodnight to her I notice something sticking out between her books on the nightstand and sure enough it's another %^&*ing ski whistle! Here's our conversation:

Me: Where did you get this?
Her: It's mine.
Me: But where did you get this from?
Her: Someone gave it to me.
Me: Who?
Her: (Shoulder shrug)
Me: Did you take this from your brother's room?
Her: No, someone gave it to me.
Me: Who?
Her: I don't know.
Me: I think you took this from your brother's room. It's not yours to take. Stay out of his room.
Her: (Shoulder shrug).

So I give the whistle back to her brother who says: I don't care if she has it or not, I don't want it.
Me: It's important that your sister knows she's not to take your things.
Him: I don't want it.
Me: Is it ok if I throw it out?
Him: Sure.

Problem solved, kinda sorta, right? All whistles in the house have been eliminated.

Then yesterday afterschool I took them both to the dentist. And can you possibly guess what my middle daughter chose from the prize box? Yup, a whistle. And can you possibly guess what she was doing with her whistle this morning while we're all trying to get ready?

And knowing that she probably won't be able to control her impulses, I asked her to only blow the whistle outside when she wasn't near anyone else, or it had to go in the garbage. As she headed off to the school bus with her siblings, I can only imagine what happened on the bus.

I really don't think they pay school bus drivers enough.


  1. Hi Dianna ....hmmmm I can see the story know 365 days 365 whistles...ha! Too funny.... Big News! --- we have started our home study! Tonight was the first visit! Keep posting, Amanda M

  2. Hi Dianna,
    I hope you don't mind that I put a link to this blog on my blog list. :-)
