Monday, September 21, 2009

Just your average day...

It's 5 pm and I should be making dinner but no. My oldest daughter is just learning to play the clarinet, and although I certainly admire her tenacity, it's so very painful to listen to. She has to practice 30 min a day (I'm sure the music teacher gets such a kick out of this time of year thinking about what parents of his new band students are listening to). And my oldest is a rule follower and has already finished her homework too. Well at least one of the three is liking school.

My middle daughter has ADD so doing homework before the meds wear off is crucial. But not if she had her way about it. She's home by 3 pm so I let her have an hour or so to veg out, have a snack, and watch tv. Then it's time for spelling. Sigh. I hate spelling. She finished the work quite quickly and fixed the errors I found. Then I called out the words while she wrote them down. She had about 10 of the 20 spelled incorrectly, so then I have her copy out the correct spelling 3 times for each word. Tomorrow we'll try again and she may remember how to spell them, or she may not. Such is the brain of a child with FASD.

Meanwhile, my son who is ADHD was supposed to be packing up all the recycling for garbage day tomorrow. Although he complains about doing it, it gives him a chance to crush boxes by jumping up and down repeatedly on them. And of course he has to chat the whole time he's doing it about how he wishes the guy who invented Lego lived in our town and how he wishes he could play with this guy's kid and they could try out all the new Lego, yada yada yada. Right now he's supposed to be doing his 20 minutes of reading, and even though he chooses his own books it's always a battle.

Oh, and did I mention my middle daughter with FASD is currently scrubbing her mattress to try to clean the stains off of, and smell out of. It must have been several days ago when she peed it, but instead of changing the sheets or telling someone about it, she chooses to sleep on it night after night until I discover it. Now you'd think the smell would give it away, but that was not the case today. I was doing my usual check of her bed to see if she had any food hidden because I did a huge shop at Costco yesterday, and that's usually when I find stuff. And I heard her up in the middle of the night but I had forgotten to lock down the pantry.

Yup, just your average day around here. Now you see why I'm going to that FASD support group tomorrow night?

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