Monday, June 1, 2009

What I'm working on..

Was the weather great this weekend where you are? It was fantastic here! My kids even went swimming in the lake. Not me. That lake has a whole lot of warming up to do before I'll go in.

It was kinda crazy this weekend with my daughter's dance recitals but we survived and now dance is finished! Yea! Now it's just soccer for two of the kids which makes life lots easier.

How did it get to be June 1st already? Only 4 more weeks of school - yikes! So what are you planning to do with your kids over the summer? we've got two weeks of holidays planned for July, and another in August, plus a family picnic get together at our house at the end of July. Oh yeah, and then there's work too.

I've been busy planning picnics and bbq's throughout the region and I think we have most of them finalized. And I've set them all up on EventBrite which is a website we use through out AFABC website for on-line event registrations. You can check it out at and then click on workshops and resources, then workshop registration. The picnics are all free of charge, but this way families can RSVP right on-line. I thought it would make the organization of it all easier. I hope. So check it all out, and let me know if you can make it to any or all of them. (Ok that would be kinda crazy to come to all of them, but us adoptive parents are a little on the crazy side arn't we?)

I'm also waiting impatiently to hear back from the Victoria Foundation for Adoption Permanency regarding the grant applications I submitted for the Interior region. One of the grants is to start True Colours Mentoring groups in Nelson and Kamloops. The Nelson True Colours group is starting as a playgroup and recruiting mentors as they go. If you know of any youth or adults of colour in the Nelson are, get them to contact me or the organizer Tam Mickel at

I'm heading to Kamloops on Thursday to check out locations for the True Colours Mentoring in that community, as well as meet with MCFD, a great Kamloops volunteer Susan, check out the location for our summer picnic, the location for our spaghetti dinner workshop, and the location for Transracial Parenting. Sounds like it will be alot of driving around doesn't it? I'm sure somewhere I'll come across a Starbucks that has those really yummy carmel frappachinos (the light version of course!)

Plus, it's month end so I better get working on all my paperwork.

If you have any suggestions for workshops or events in your area, let me know and we'll try and make them happen. Even if you don't live in the Interior region of BC, let me know what works where you live - or what doesn't!

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