Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What the ?????

Me: What is it about kissing the bathroom mirror that is so appealing?

Her: Wasn't me.

Me: Yes it was you because no one else has been in there since I just finished cleaning it.

Her: Wasn't me.

Me: Should I take an impression of your lips and match it to the multiple prints on the mirror at your exact height? And let's not forget the lip gloss that you are currently wearing matches it perfectly.

Her: You never believe me!!

Me: Why do you think I that is?

Her: Because I lie all the time. But this time I'm telling the truth!

Me: You know, I really wish I could believe you, but once again the evidence against you is pretty overwhelming.

Her: Well I was just brushing my teeth and got too close to the mirror.

Me: Really - over and over and over you got too close to the mirror? And in different spots on the mirror? By the way, how did you manage to get your lip prints up so high? I sure hope you weren't standing on the (pedestal) sink.

Her: Well I had used up all the space down low so I had to.

Me: Weren't you supposed to be having a shower?

Her: I did.

Me: Then how come your hair isn't wet?

Her: See you never believe me! I was on the toilet so I couldn't have a shower. Duh!

Me: Then why could I hear the shower running for so long? You know we're on a septic system and you have to have short showers.

Her: Cause I turned it on before I was on the toilet.

Me: So you were sitting on the toilet while the shower was running? And then you were kissing the mirror while the shower was running?

Her: I don't know what you're so mad about! I turned the water off when you yelled at me.

Me: How about you just get your pyjamas on and get ready for bed.


  1. Strangely -- I have had this EXACT conversation with my child WHO IS A BOY.

    I would LOVE some ideas on how to address the "blame mom" game. My son does EXACTLY what your daughter does here -- no matter WHAT it is my fault that they are in trouble and there is no comprehension of being in trouble for a consequence for their actions vs me just being MEAN.

  2. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a solution for us moms. It doesn't matter to them. Only to us. For me, sometimes I just have to walk away and never even get into the discussion. In her eyes, I will always be wrong. My only compensation is that at least I have 2 others that usually get it.
